Studies in the Book of Ruth #10 (Ruth 4:13-22)

The incredible love story in the book of Ruth does not end with the purchase of Boaz so that Ruth can be his bride.  Think about this – the incredible love story in the New Testament does not end with the purchase that Jesus Christ made so that He can have a bride (the church)!  In both of these cases, the purchase had to be made FIRST, but this allowed the bride and groom to spend their lives TOGETHER.  Christian, did you know that the day is coming when Christ’s bride will be FACE-TO-FACE with the Bridegroom!  Are you anticipating that day?

Before we travel through the last 10 verses of the book of Ruth, remember the following types/pictures:
Boaz – type of Christ, Jewish kinsman redeemer
Ruth – type of the church
Naomi – type of the nation of Israel


After uniting in marriage, Boaz and Ruth have a son.  Interestingly enough, the Holy Spirit included Naomi as greatly BLESSED by this child.  He is said to be “a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age:” (Ruth 4:15).  The word “restorer” is certainly an interesting word when we consider the types found in Ruth.  With Naomi as a type of Israel, remember that the Lord Jesus Christ will RESTORE that nation at His Second Coming (Jeremiah 30:17, Acts 1:6).  Think about the TIMING of this event.  It occurs AFTER the rapture.  The same man responsible for REDEMPTION is also responsible for the RESTORATION of Israel.  What a picture the Holy Spirit has drawn for us!


The reason why this child born to Boaz and Ruth is so important is that he ends up in the genealogy of the kings of Israel.  The child is named Obed, and he is the grandfather of King David.  This places Obed in the tribe of Judah, and there just “happens to be” another famous King in the genealogy.  Do you know who it is?  Turn to Matthew 1:5 and you will see that Obed is mentioned in the genealogical line of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ!  Do you remember how this story began?  It was tragic, with three men dying in the first five verses.  Then, a Moabite woman chooses to remain faithful to her Jewish mother-in-law.  She is greatly rewarded for that ONE choice (see Genesis 12:1-3 as to why)!  Remember that EVERY choice we make is an IMPORTANT choice and has long term ramifications.  Choose to follow the Lord every day (Joshua 24:15) and you will not regret it!


The Lord records a list of names over the last five verses.  All of these names are important, as every word of God is important (Proverbs 30:5).  All of the men listed in these verses are NOT perfect by any stretch, but they are IN the line of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ!  How is it that a sinful man can end up in such a family?  Remember, “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7b) and the new birth brought about by God’s Holy Spirit places a man in the family of God (John 1:12)!  There is no greater family!  Do YOU belong to the family of God? We are all born into this world as members of the wrong family (John 8:44), but it is God’s desire for you to be born again into His family.

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.  (1 Peter 1:23)