The Bible’s Unsung Heroes (Part 5)

In Acts 9, a woman named Tabitha (also called Dorcas) is introduced. While the
account concerning her is only 7 verses long, quite a remarkable event is recorded.
The first mention of Tabitha says that “this woman was full of good works and
almsdeeds” (v. 36). Simply put, Tabitha was a great example of a Christian woman, a
selfless individual with a giving spirit as she also made coats and garments (v. 39).
Tragedy enters in verse 37 as the scripture states that “she was sick, and died.” The
apostle Peter was sought out for assistance in the matter by two men, and he arrived to
find many widows weeping over the death of their dear loved one, Tabitha. Peter
kneeled down, prayed, and said, “Tabitha, arise” (v. 40). Tabitha was resurrected from
the dead! This incredible occurrence made quite an impact as “it was known throughout
all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord” (v. 42). While Tabitha’s place in the Bible is
brief, her influence is far-reaching. Though our time on earth is short in the grand
scheme of God’s plan, we also have the opportunity to have a far-reaching influence,
even into eternity.